NOTQ featuring the Art of...
Botan Utajima is a talenteous Japanese graphic artist and photographer from Osaka with a long experience in BDSM; first as Pro dominatrix. Her incredible work is a true combination of photography and nice designed digital repaint. Accross her art, Botan is expressing her love for the rope games and sharing her BDSM experience into wonderful shots and graphic artwork. She also using pencils, crayolas to express her deepest fantasies, fears and she invites you to make a journey into her fantastic word! Come to discover her world... Botan has exhibited her work to Malaga (Spain, Paris France- Barcelona Spain and many other artshows are scheduled like Milano Italy
Click on her Banner
Laurent Lebeau Art
Laurent Lebeau is well known in the BDSM Scene, especially on Femdom, He has worked for many paper magazines from the US & Europe and started to display is art in England, Spain, Czek Republic, Germany, Holland, USA (N.Y & L.A), Japan (Tokyo & Osaka) and of course France. The French artist invites you to a journey into is deepest fantasies, having portrayed many prestigeous Dominatrixes from many years. He's also writter and self publish is own illustrated stories and comics. He is very active on the Fetish BDSM Femdom scene as he is the founder of Night of the Queens events since 2008.
Click on his banner
The both artists will exhibit their arts on this special Night of the Queens Florida